Community-led resilience on the Kurilpa floodplain.

Our network shares local knowledge and resources for people to plan for future floods in Kurilpa.

Are you living in the flood zone?

Use the Brisbane City Council Flood Awareness Map to understand the risk and likelihood of flooding in your area. Speak to your neighbours about the historic impacts of floods in your street or building, and find out which intersections will flood using our Kurilpa Flooded Intersections Map.

We need to learn to live with the river. As a society we have reached a tipping point. Future floods are inevitable. While the timing, temporal and spatial characteristics are unknown, its arrival is certain. With a warming climate, most scientists predict that future floods will be greater...
— Dr Margaret Cook

Vertical communities

Kurilpa encompasses rapidly densifying inner city suburbs. 80% of residents in 4101 now dwell in apartments (Census 2021). In the 2022 floods, 19 out of 58 apartment buildings were flooded, impacting an estimated 2,000 people and costing hundreds of thousands in property damage and loss.

Access the flood mitigation planning resources in our Apartment Toolkit, led by the local experiences of body corporates, residents and engineers.

... the building was deemed uninhabitable for 3 plus months...

These residents drove in loops, trying to find a way to escape with their families and belongings...

... she was stuck in the apartment without power for a few days, unable to leave...

We have to rely on each other...

... the building was deemed uninhabitable for 3 plus months... These residents drove in loops, trying to find a way to escape with their families and belongings... ... she was stuck in the apartment without power for a few days, unable to leave... We have to rely on each other...

Two people float on floodwaters in a tinnie boat down Melbourne Street.

Image: Looking towards Victoria Bridge and the city from Melbourne Street, South Brisbane, 1974. QSA PR1872464.

Kurilpa Flood Library

Browse local stories and studies from past Brisbane floods, to learn more about what floods mean for Kurilpa.

Connect with us

Resilient Kurilpa is a voluntary network run by local residents and grassroots community organisations.

To stay up to date, follow us on social media and sign up to get notified about our information sessions, related events, news and updates.

“Each flood behaves differently, its overall impact determined by both weather and the ever-changing human activities on the floodplain.”

— Dr Margaret Cook